Achieve Your Best Self

Full fat? No Fat? All Fad? Find Out!

Do you have high cholesterol/blood pressure, Type II diabetes & looking to get it under control?

Want to get in shape without revamping your whole pantry?

Have you yo-yo dieted too long?

Program Can be Joined at any time!

Get Coached To Achieve Your Ideal Body Composition with the Support of Naturopathic Medicine while having your coaching sessions and individualized treatments covered by your extended Health Plan

Program Includes: Six Weekly Webinars Every Thursday! Four One-on-One Naturopathic Visits to uncover the root cause of your body composition issues and address any co-existing medical conditions on an individualized basis, and more…(read on below)

To register, enter your name and email address below. Or Call the Clinic @519-266-4649 to Book Your Initial One-on-One & Get Started At Achieving Your Best Health!


    A Weight Management & Lifestyle Coaching Program


    Designed to improve your health and reduce risk factors. For those committed to losing weight and improving their health. You’ll receive one-on-one support, education, motivation & practical tools such as meal plans catered to your unique dietary needs to help you Achieve Your Best Self!

    Are You Ready to Get Started?

    The Support You Need to Succeed

    Firstly, studies have shown that regardless of diet (paleo, low-fat, low-sugar, etc), the determining factor over significant weight-loss is SUPPORT! Secondly, one of the first steps to CHANGE where HABITS are concerned is having the information required to make appropriate CHANGE HAPPEN.

    Gain increased motivation as you begin to notice positive changes increasing your confidence in your ability to have more control over your health and well-being!

    SUPPORT & sensible scientific INFORMATION gives your efforts a focused direction leading to efficacy. Here is a basic outline of what will be covered in visits and our weekly webinars:

    • Get to the root cause of your body composition issues

    • Learn to eat and shop for nutritious foods that manage cravings

    • Improve sleep and learn research backed techniques that effectively help you cope with unhealthy stress

    • Build muscle and get rid of unwanted fat by exercising smart

    • Receive individualized prescriptions for Herbal & Nutraceutical weight-loss aids

    • Gain a better understanding -pro’s and con’s- of weight-loss fads & diet trends

      Armed with the above, your efforts will focus on scientifically proven tactics and narrowed to the most efficient steps required for CHANGE! You’ll slowly (I’ll not downplay the initial challenge and inertia that you’ll be met with) begin to realize the ease with which your lifestyle flows.

    As important as nutrition is to good health, diet is only one aspect crucial to effective weight loss. The old science of <calories-in:calories-out is no longer valid as there are a multitude of factors that determine body composition. These factors will be addressed in your naturopathic visits on an individualized basis!


    Costs covered by extended health plans covering Naturopathic Doctor Visits. [Worried you may have to pay out of pocket? Call your benefits company and ask: how much money you get per year? How much money per visit (usually a number or a percentage)? Do your benefits go from January to December or September to August, or? Do you have a health spending account (for lab tests like the Food Sensitivity Test)?]

    Option 1:

    4 One-on-one naturopathic visits, 6 weekly information sessions (via webinar), an individualized meal plan*

    Cost – $354


    Option 2:

    6 Acupuncture** sessions (to manage cravings & stress, improve digestion & balance hormones as needed); 6 weekly information sessions (via webinar), an individualized meal plan

    Cost – $594

    * When your meals are planned properly, eating healthy and feeling nourished becomes simple and fun. You will start to achieve the results you’ve wanted. I will work one-on-one with you to define your goals and learn about your food sensitivities and/or preferences.
    ** Acupuncture has been indicated by the World Health Organization to be an effective means of addressing fat-loss through it’s benefits on stress, insomnia, gynecological and gastrointestinal conditions.

    Got Questions?

    Book Your Free Consult Online or by Calling (519) 266-4649 NOW!

    A study printed in the Canadian Medical Association’s Journal endorses the addition of Naturopathic Care for cardiovascular disease risk reduction -especially among those at high risk.

    As well, according to the American Heart Association, the “prime emphasis in management of the metabolic syndrome is to mitigate the modifiable, underlying risk factors (obesity, physical inactivity, and atherogenic diet) through lifestyle changes.”

    Through-out the program, we will only refer to “fat-loss” as opposed to “weight-loss” as healthy body composition is defined by the ratio between lean muscle and fat. NOT the # on the scale!

    Cardiovascular disease is the second leading cause of death in Canada (1). Studies have shown that modifiable behavioural factors contribute to the risk of cardiovascular disease. Guidelines by the American Heart Association and the United States Preventive Services Task Force recommend lifestyle interventions as an important part of cardiovascular disease prevention (2,3). Although the importance of lifestyle intervention is widely recognized, few individuals with, or at risk of, cardiovascular disease receive intensive dietary and lifestyle counselling.

    Naturopathic doctors in North America are trained and regulated practitioners who emphasize this form of self-directed care. As according the the American Heart Association, the “prime emphasis in management of the metabolic syndrome per se is to mitigate the modifiable, underlying risk factors (obesity, physical inactivity, and atherogenic diet) through lifestyle changes. … Then, if absolute risk is high enough, consideration can be given to incorporating drug therapy to the regimen” (2).

    Naturopathic Doctors providing in-depth counselling around diet and lifestyle are uniquely poised to help comanage metabolic risk factors. As well, naturopathic care is a feasible and effective adjunct to usual medical care in reducing the incidence of metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk (4) .


    1. Leading causes of death in Canada, 2007. Ottawa (ON): Statistics Canada; 2010. Available: (accessed 2011 Apr. 15)
    2. Grundy SM, Cleeman JI, Daniels SR, et al. Diagnosis and management of the metabolic syndrome: an American Heart Association/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute scientific statement. Circulation 2005;112:2735-52 [PubMed]
    3. Balady GJ, Williams MA, Ades PA, et al. Core components of cardiac rehabilitation/secondary prevention programs: 2007 update: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Exercise, Cardiac Rehabilitation, and Prevention Committee, the Council on Clinical Cardiology; the Councils on Cardiovascular Nursing, Epidemiology and Prevention, and Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism; and the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Circulation 2007;115:2675–82 [PubMed]
    4. Seely D, et al. Naturopathic Medicine for the prevention of cardiovascular disease: a randomized clinical trial.
      CMAJ. 2013 Jun 11; 185(9): E409–E416 [PubMed]

    After years of struggling with my Body Composition (BC for short or what society labels as “weight”) and finally settling at my healthy set-point, I’ve understood the various aspects that influence food intake, energy expenditure, the emotional dimension of eating and how to address each. Part of the solution where BC is concerned, is knowledge! The ability to sift through the various fads and to learn what works for YOUR body! However, as unique as we all are, we are more alike and so there are certain tactics for addressing BC that are universal. Learning those and utilizing them was my first step to making the baby steps required to be at MY BEST!

    Session One: Introduction snapshots