What Can I Do For You?

Achieving great health is like climbing a mountain. In this, I am your guide, routing the path for you. Letting you know when and were to stop for camp. How to acclimate yourself to the changes. Prepare you for challenges you may come across and equip you with the solutions.

Climbing this mountain however can only be done by you. I cannot do the work for you. I cannot give you a ride. I can’t be putting one foot in front of the other for you. The work, the energy expenditure, the time spent, and let’s not forget, the financial resources for this climb are your investment. You have to want to reach the peak and value reaching that peak enough to want to expend the needed resources and in some circumstances sacrifices to make it happen!

I’ll be cheering you on. I’ll be waiting for you at each camp with our scheduled follow-up. I’ll alter the path as needed depending on conditions (lifestyle changes, stressors, speed of progress, return of old symptoms, etc.). I’ll give you practical tools, supplies and mindsets required to get to your next camp with a balanced view of Eastern Traditional and Western Medicine. And remember that mountains aren’t always a straight path up. There may be low points and valleys.  But we’ll keep working together until you’ve reached your peak/goal*.

Depending on your starting point and your goal, it may require weeks, months and in some cases years before you reach that peak.

If you’re ready to start conquering your mountain, let me help guide you.

Yours in health,

Dr. Negin

*Goal: concept of a goal or a peak is probably the only grey area in this analogy. That is because health isn’t so much a destination as it is a journey. The initial stage of this journey will be the “Elimination of Dis-ease”, the 2nd stage “Health Maintenace” and the 3rd stage “Health Optimization” or what is now termed “bio-hacking”.  And it is normal to go up one level and come back down as you transition through life stages.



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