Weight Loss is a journey of discovering your Joy, Freedom and Vitality!
Your journey -like mine- likely started long before you realized or consciously became aware of a problem. Let me explain what I mean by that. We’ll call your ill-health, the yo-yo dieting, the extra body weight the ‘problem’. It is what you can see. A discomfort you can feel. But it is only an evidence of those hidden, unconscious, automatic, unknown, nameless factors that created the ‘problem’ and continue to maintain it. Shinning a light on these unknowns will be your only way through and out of this ‘problem’. And the unknowns vary in number, and depth of severity from one individual to another and that is why there is no single plan that works for all.
Weight loss is never about calories, exercise and will power. It IS about food, activity level as well as your ability to manage moods. But it is more than that! It’s a journey in self discovery.
Whether it is dietary habits that require change, hormones that need to be balanced, your lifestyle that is not conducive to health or underlying emotional blockages that prevent you achieving your best, they need to be uncovered and addressed! So that you can once again live in physical comfort, ease, and joy. With deep informed understanding of these factors along with practical and personalized guidance, you can then melt away the problem.
My journey began back in my teens. I did not have the ‘problem’ in those days. But certain habits, mindsets and emotional tendencies that I was forming in those days did result in an eventual problem. The problem really affected my self-esteem those days. I felt I was ‘less-than’ because of how I looked. I worried that people judged me as having low will-power. As lazy. As careless about my health. Even though the reverse was actually true! I was hyper-focused on my health and food. But that same hyper-focus is what drove me to pursue Nutritional Sciences in my undergrad and another 4 years of Naturopathic Medicine studies. And I eventually uncovered the unconscious, and able to shine a light on the hidden, and then put a name to the nameless factors that were driving my ‘problem’. And as a result, the ‘problem’ was eventually uprooted and is no more!
What I’ve learnt through this process is that our society sets us off on this very all-consuming and self-defeating journey against our bodies. And sadly, I have patients in their 60’s and 70’s that are still battling the same weight issues they were struggling with in their teens, 20’s and 30’s. And as much as we all would like a quick fix, that one diet, that one program, that one food group, that one blood test that’s going to turn it all around, there is rarely ever just ONE thing.
If you’re ready to embark on this journey and ReLearn how to keep your Moods, Energy and Cravings in check, ReBalance your Hormones and ReClaim your relationship with yourself and food, look out for my virtual Weight Loss program starting early 2020! Sign up for Newsletter to ensure you don’t miss out!