Electrolytes and Your Well-being


Electrolytes and Your Well-being

Electrolytes as the name implies maintain the electrical current across your cells -especially nerve and muscle- enabling nerve signaling and muscular contractions. In order to keep these necessary functions your body must keep a very close eye on the electrolyte concentrations in your blood despite changes in your body. When you exercise heavily for example, you lose electrolytes in your sweat, particularly sodium and potassium. Electrolyte replacement then becomes essential whenever there’s fluid loss (i.e. after a heavy workout, sauna treatment, chronic vomiting or diarrhea).  There are a number of common signs that you can watch out for when suspecting electrolyte loss including spasms, weakness, fatigue, twitching, confusion and blood pressure changes.

Consuming sports drinks is one way of replenishing your electrolytes. They however also contain sugar, flavorings and a myriad additives to make the drink palatable. A number of Compounding Pharmacy’s can compound an  additive-free, clean electrolyte replacement drink (eg. Smith’s Pharmacy’s Electrolyte Replacement Powder provides three essential electrolytes in the form of sodium citrate, potassium citrate and sodium chloride). There are a number of other great electrolyte replacement drinks  Coconut water would fulfil this purpose just as well as would a banana.

As you enjoy the beautiful summer heat out in the sun be sure to keep hydrated and your electrolytes balanced!


Yours in Health,

Dr. Negin Misaghi, ND

London Ontario Naturopathic Doctor & Acupuncturist

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